Trump ramps up his pace of campaigning in the sprint to Election Day

Former President Donald Trump is finally gearing up for an all-out sprint in his bid to reclaim the White House.

Former President Donald Trump is finally gearing up for an all-out sprint in his bid to reclaim the White House.

Trump, caught flat-footed when Democrats switched horses this summer, has held 26 campaign events this month — most of them rallies — more than the 21 he participated in during June and July combined, according to an NBC News analysis of his schedule. The ramp-up started in August, when he held 19 events.

While it is traditional for campaigns to gather steam after Labor Day, some Republicans worried that Trump let the Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, get the jump on him when she barnstormed the country in August after she took over for President Joe Biden at the top of her party’s ticket. Now, Trump is racing against Harris and the clock.

“They’re double-timing it because they know they got screwed with this 100-day window,” said Ford O’Connell, a Republican strategist. “Basically, you’re fighting for inches on the electoral map. Nobody knows exactly what’s going to put one campaign over the other at the end of the day.”

Similar lurches forward in campaigning around the end of summer were evident in Trump’s 2016 and 2020 presidential runs, as well.

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