Contact Info:
For FREE ads we do not allow phone numbers or links in the title or description text or the images of your free ad(s). Place these verifiable items in the contact fields when you place or edit your ad.
For FREE ads we only allow ONE same or similar ad to be posted only one time every seven days if in the same category. So place the next same or similar ad on the eighth day if in the same category.
You must have an image in your ad copy to run it for FREE. Also, when you include an image you get front page exposure. The first ad you place will have front page exposure and the next ad you place will replace your fist ad on the front page. If you don't have an image this is a sign of a bot or marketing company posting ads and looks like a scam ad. We want our readers to see good ads.
If you are a business filling out the business verification form in full (located in your dashboard) this will help keep your ads to run for free.
To place your business ad(s) for FREE you are required to place a verifiable business name that is associated with your ad and a verifiable live business phone number and place this information in the contact information area when you create or edit your ad. If you fill out the business verification form you will get better results to your ads that you place and will help keep your ads running for FREE.
No guns, rifles or ammo are permitted for any ad.
We accept almost everything. Whether you want to post about housing, cars for sale, education, jobs, community, events, discussion forums, or more, AdSitePro has you covered.
To post FREE ads about your desired topic, simply fill in the details below and start generating better results for your ad(s) today.
Digital advertising is the way to go nowadays, so create a FREE advertising post with us today!
Luckily, using AdSitePro, tapping into a global audience has never been easier despite these difficult times. When using the platform, you can market to worldwide viewers by posting FREE classified ads.