The U.S. is cracking down on cheap Chinese goods loved by American shoppers

Chinese vendors selling cheap goods on Teimu and Shein to U.S. online consumers could be hit by White House plans to close the "de minimis" customs exemption.

SHENZHEN, China — Chinese vendor Yin Xinwei sometimes makes close to $1,400 a day selling low-priced pill boxes, barbecue spits and other items to U.S. online consumers.

The future of that business, and the bargain prices enjoyed by his American customers, is now in question amid a looming U.S. regulatory change aimed largely at two Chinese e-commerce platforms he sells on, Temu and Shein.

The change, which comes amid rising trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies, is likely to have major consequences for already burdened Chinese sellers such as Yin who rely heavily on overseas markets.

“The business model could disappear,” he said in a recent interview at his office in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen.

Both platforms have experienced explosive growth in recent years thanks to a customs exemption that allows packages whose contents are worth less than $800 to enter the United States almost tax-free and with minimal scrutiny.

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