With Bad Bunny's 'Debí Tirar Más Fotos' album, nostalgia goes viral on TikTok

Many TikTok users — from Puerto Ricans to South Asians — have posted photos of their family in the two white, plastic chairs like the ones on the Puerto Rican artist Bad Bunny's album cover.

When Nicole Ortiz saw Bad Bunny's "Debí Tirar Más Fotos" album cover for the first time, the Florida resident thought back to her visits to Puerto Rico and the huge parties where her relatives would play dominoes at the table and that feeling of love and togetherness.

“I see my grandmother in that chair playing dominoes with my uncle and dad,” Ortiz, 48, told NBC News.

Bad Bunny called his recent album, which translates to “I should have taken more photos,” his “most Puerto Rican” album yet — and many fans agree.

The cover, which features two plain white plastic chairs in a backyard full of bright green plants, has brought people smiles — and tears. The chairs, which are known as Monobloc chairs, are versatile and inexpensive chairs that can be found in countries all over the world, and they are used both indoors and outdoors. 

“Both my grandmothers have passed, and the chairs represent good times that involved Latin music, traditional foods and dancing," Ortiz said. "It brings me sadness they aren’t here but also brings me happiness that I have those memories.” 


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Updated: 1 month ago
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