North Korea building border ‘wall’, satellite images reveal

North Korea is building sections of what appears to be a wall in several places near its border with South Korea, new satellite images show.

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Images analysed by BBC Verify also show that land inside the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) has been cleared, which experts say could be a violation of the long-standing truce with South Korea.

The DMZ is a 4km (2.5 miles) wide buffer zone between North and South Korea, who are still technically at war having never signed a peace treaty. The DMZ is split in two, with each side controlled by the respective nations.

This recent activity is “unusual”, according to experts, and comes at a time of rising tensions between the two countries.

“At this point we can only speculate that North Korea is looking to strengthen its military presence and fortifications along the border,” says Shreyas Reddy, a correspondent at the specialist site NK News, based in Seoul.

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