Wounded survivor of New Orleans truck attack says her mom saved her life from afar

Alexis Scott-Windham said her friends called her mom and she told them to make a tourniquet to stop the bleeding from her right foot.
Good thing they called her mother.
An Alabama woman who was struck by a terrorist-driven pickup truck on New Year’s Day and later shot in the foot during the attack said her friends called her mom for help as she lay bleeding on Bourbon Street.
Alexis Scott-Windham said in an interview with NBC News on Friday that her mother, Tryphena Scott-Windham, told her friends to make a tourniquet to control her blood flow.
“So they took my sock off my left foot,” she said. “They tied it around my ankle to cut out the circulation.”
Then, Scott-Windham said, a stranger drove her to a nearby hospital. “I’m so thankful to him,” she said.
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