Miss USA Savannah Gankiewicz says she's received death threats and hateful messages since being crowned

Miss USA Savannah Gankiewicz said she has received death threats and hateful messages since taking the crown in the wake of Noelia Voigt’s shocking resignation and allegations against the pageant’s CEO.

Miss USA Savannah Gankiewicz said she has received death threats and hateful messages since taking the crown in the wake of Noelia Voigt’s shocking resignation and allegations against the pageant’s CEO.

Gankiewicz, 28, said in a speech that the backlash she’s received “breaks my heart.”

“Since I’ve gotten this title, I’ve dealt with a lot of bullying and harassment, and it really does, it breaks my heart,” an emotional Gankiewicz said in a video shared on X last week.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to cry, but I just feel like it’s hard, because I wish people saw where my heart is coming from,” she said as she wiped away tears. “And it’s helping Lahaina and helping Maui residents and having a platform, but also showing young women that you can get bullied and you can hurt but you stand back up and you keep going and you keep using your voice.”

Gankiewicz was crowned Miss USA 2023 in a special coronation and celebration in Waikiki earlier this month, replacing former Miss USA Noelia Voigt after she announced her resignation on May 6.


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