NFL referees forced to respond to Kansas City Chiefs 'conspiracy theories' about bias

The NFL referees union addressed what it called "conspiracy theories" that officials show bias in favor of Super Bowl champs the Kansas City Chiefs.
The labor union representing NFL referees on Tuesday blasted "conspiracy theories" that officials have been tilting games in favor of the two-time-defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs.
Baseless allegations that referees are the bag for Kansas City have been running rampant for years, to the point where NFL commissioner Roger Goodell had to address it this week as the Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles prep for Sunday's Super Bowl.
“Commissioner Goodell’s comments that it is ‘ridiculous’ to presume that NFL Officials are not doing everything possible to make the right call on every play is spot on,” according to a statement by NFLRA executive director Scott Green.
“Officiating crews do not work the same team more than twice each regular season. It is insulting and preposterous to hear conspiracy theories that somehow 17 officiating crews consisting of 138 officials are colluding to assist one team.”
The union pointed out that its members are graded "every week, on every single play of each game" and that "grades are the determining factor as to who receives postseason assignments."
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