Woman found living in Michigan grocery store sign, complete with computer and Keurig, for months

A woman was found living in the rooftop sign of a Family Fare grocery store in Michigan and had been there for about a year, police said.

A woman was found living in the rooftop sign of a Family Fare grocery store in Michigan and had been there for about a year, police said.

Police in Midland were notified about the woman living in the small space that hosts the supermarket’s sign on April 23 after contractors working on the roof found her there.

The woman had flooring, a computer, a desk, a printer, a Keurig and a pantry of food in the space, which was 10 to 15 feet long, five feet wide and approximately 8 feet tall at its highest point, according to the Midland Police Department.

Woman found living in Midland Family Fare sign in Midland, Mich.Courtesy Ian Wood/WEYI"We made contact with her and she was advised she was not allowed to live there," said Brennon Warren, a spokesperson for the Midland Police Department. "She was formally trespassed from the store and was provided with information on services within our area, however, she did not wish for any of those."

The woman, who police are not identifying, left without incident. Police found that she'd been living in the space for approximately one year, but it's not clear how she was getting up onto the roof.


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