Microsoft and OpenAI sued for copyright infringement by nonfiction book authors in class action claim

Two nonfiction book authors sued Microsoft and OpenAI in a would-be class action complaint alleging that the defendants “simply stole” the writers’ copyrighted works to help build a billion-dollar artificial intelligence system.

Two nonfiction book authors sued Microsoft and OpenAI in a would-be class action complaint alleging that the defendants “simply stole” the writers’ copyrighted works to help build a billion-dollar artificial intelligence system.

The lawsuit, filed Friday in Manhattan federal court, comes more than a week after The New York Times sued Microsoft and OpenAI, which created the AI chatbot ChatGPT, in a similar copyright infringement complaint that alleges the companies used the newspaper’s content to train large language models.

Microsoft is an investor in and supplier to OpenAI.

The new suit by authors Nicholas Basbanes and Nicholas Gage notes that on the heels of the Times’ suit, the defendants “publicly acknowledged that copyright owners like Plaintiffs must be compensated for Defendants’ use of their work.” The Times suit seeks “billions of dollars” in monetary damages.

Basbanes and Gage said in the suit that they seek to represent a class of writers “whose copyrighted work has been systematically pilfered by” Microsoft and OpenAI.

Post ID: d1bd02b8-4506-4a3e-a008-9600d5e94b91
Rating: 5
Updated: 6 months ago
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