Government agencies scrub LGBTQ web pages and remove info about trans and intersex people

The websites of several government agencies are lopping off the back half of the LGBTQI abbreviation or completely removing web pages that mention the LGBTQ community.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people have long been grouped together and referred to more broadly as LGBTQ or a similar abbreviation, like LGBTQI, which includes intersex people. Now, however — just two weeks after President Donald Trump signed multiple executive orders targeting trans people — the websites of several government agencies are lopping off the back half of the abbreviation or completely removing web pages that mention LGBTQ people.
A page on the State Department’s website that had, up until last week, provided information for “LGBTQI Travelers” now addresses only “LGB Travelers.” Similarly, a State Department web page providing “Resources for LGBTQI+ Prospective Adoptive Parents“ now just says “LGB Prospective Adoptive Parents.”
The website of the Social Security Administration, an independent federal agency, formerly had a page about “Social Security for LGBTQI+ People”; it has now been updated to “LGBQ People,” removing the mention of transgender people and those who are intersex, meaning those who are born with physical traits that don’t fit typical definitions for male or female categories.
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