Will Trump testify in the hush money trial?

As prosecutors near the home stretch of their criminal case against Donald Trump, one of the biggest questions looming over the historic trial is whether the former president will take the stand in his own defense.

As prosecutors near the home stretch of their criminal case against Donald Trump, one of the biggest questions looming over the historic trial is whether the former president will take the stand in his own defense.

Just last month, before jury selection began, Trump insisted he would be on the witness stand in Manhattan criminal court in New York City.

"I would testify, absolutely,” he said April 12 in response to a question from NBC News. “I’m testifying. I tell the truth. I mean, all I can do is tell the truth. And the truth is that there is no case.”

A week later, after the trial started, he told reporters at the courthouse that, "yes," he will testify.

Since then, Trump has added caveats when he has been asked the same question.


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