Long Island county bans transgender athletes from competing with girls

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman argued banning transgender athletes from competing with girls will battle so-called “bullying” from people born biologically male.

In a move that a local official said was done to battle so-called “bullying” from people born biologically male, a Long Island county is banning transgender athletes from competing in women’s and girls’ sports at their facilities.

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman announced the new ban at a Thursday morning press conference. It will take effect immediately.

“There’s too much bullying going on of biological males trying to inject themselves in female sports,” Blakeman said, surrounded by supporters and young girls. “It’s wrong and it’s a form of bullying.”

The executive order bars transgender athletes from competing against girls at all 100 sports facilities run by Nassau County, including ball fields and ice rinks. It is believed to be the first ban on transgender participation in sports on a county-wide level in the U.S.

“This is a matter that concerns the integrity, fairness and safety of women’s sports,” said Samantha Goetz, a former high school athlete and current county legislator. The mother of two argued it’s a matter of fairness for female athletes, who can’t compete physically with biological males.


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Updated: 5 months ago
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