Goodbye to ‘bags fly free’ on Southwest Airlines, the last freebie in America

Almost nothing is guaranteed in life.
Almost nothing is guaranteed in life. Certainly not weather, electricity, health, tariffs or eggs. But for more than 50 years, American consumers could count on Southwest Airlines letting them check bags for free.
Dallas-based Southwest is ending the policy in May. Customers are not happy.
“It was the only reason I flew Southwest,” said MaKensey Kaye Alford, a 21-year-old singer and actress who lives near Birmingham, Alabama.
Alford, who is planning to move to New York City later this year, said she would “definitely” consider taking another airline now.
Southwest’s customer-friendly policies have survived recessions, oil price spikes and even the Covid-19 pandemic, winning it years of goodwill and a loyal following, even as it has grown. No other airline carries more people in the United States than Southwest.
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