Man shot with his own gun on crowded New York subway train, police say

A 36-year-old man was in a critical condition in a New York hospital last night after he was shot with his own gun on a crowded subway train in Brooklyn.

A 36-year-old man was in a critical condition in a New York hospital Thursday night after he was shot with his own gun in a violent and chaotic altercation on a crowded subway train in Brooklyn, police said.

The incident took place on a northbound A train at 4:45 p.m. and is the latest in a string of violent crimes on the city's subway system, which prompted New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to deploy a force of 1,000, including 750 National Guard, to increase security on the transit network.

Videos show terrified passengers taking cover, as someone shouts "there are babies on the train."

The 36-year-old unidentified man is seen in several videos posted to social media approaching a 32-year-old man on the train, before entering into a verbal confrontation.

The scene developed into a fight and police say the 36-year-old produced a knife or razor blade and threatened the other man.

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Created: 4 months ago
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