Meet Marques Brownlee, internet tech reviewer and elite ultimate frisbee player

The disc was badly thrown, and Jack Hatchett knew it the second it left his fingertips.
The disc was badly thrown, and Jack Hatchett knew it the second it left his fingertips.
Playing for the New York PoNY in the 2022 World Ultimate Club Championships, he described his pass from midfield as “a million feet in the air.” The disc hung there for nearly 10 seconds before it made its descent into the end zone. Three players — two for Japan’s Buzz Bullets and one for PoNY — jumped at the same time.
PoNY’s Marques Brownlee came down with it.
Using every inch of his 6-foot-7-inch wingspan, he leaped over both opponents and violently snatched it out of the air for a point. The display of athleticism ended up No. 2 on that night’s ESPN “SportsCenter” top plays.
For most, appearing on screen for millions of people would have been a significant moment in their lives. Brownlee calls it a weekday.
Rating: 5