Trump and the NRA counted on the Supreme Court to keep bump stocks legal

Trump banned bump stocks after the Las Vegas mass shooting with the gun lobby's support, understanding the Supreme Court was likely to overturn the prohibition.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump didn't really want to ban bump stocks. When he did, he knew the Supreme Court was likely to overturn his action.

In a 6-3 decision Friday, that's exactly what the justices did.

The ruling revealed Trump's true feelings on the issue after a seven-year political drama, as he accepted the court reversing him, with his spokesperson saying that Americans should respect the decision.

It is possible that the Supreme Court — at a lower level but in similar fashion to its decision to overturn abortion rights — will unleash a backlash that helps President Joe Biden and hurts Trump in their November rematch.

But for the time being, Trump's strategy for sidestepping a lasting response to the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting appears to have played to plan.

Post ID: 478c33e2-b694-46c4-a6e6-fe5f52e0eba6
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Created: 3 months ago
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