Victims of the 1992 Ajmer rape and blackmail case get justice after 32 years

In 1992, powerful men in Ajmer city raped young girls and used photos and videos of the act to blackmail them.

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The year was 1992. Sushma* said she was 18 when a man she knew took her to an abandoned warehouse under the pretext of watching video tapes. There, six to seven men tied her up, raped her and took photographs of the act.

The men belonged to rich, influential families in Ajmer, a city in the western Indian state of Rajasthan.

"After they raped me, one of them gave me 200 rupees [$2; £1] to buy lipstick. I didn't take the money," she said.

Last week, 32 years later, Sushma saw a court convict her rapists and sentence them to life imprisonment.

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