Trump and Biden dodge child care solutions, sparking post-debate frustration

Reshma Saujani, Moms First CEO, urged candidates to outline their plans to make child care more affordable.

It was a moment thousands of parents had petitioned for: a chance to hear how the two main presidential contenders plan to tackle the high cost of child care in America.

Citing a report that found that the price of child care in 2023 averaged more than $11,000 a year per child, debate co-moderator Jake Tapper of CNN asked how the candidates would help American families struggling to pay.

But viewers of Thursday night’s debate barely got a response to the question.

Former President Donald Trump ignored it entirely, instead using his time to defend his decision to fire members of his administration before repeatedly insulting President Joe Biden.

Biden, meanwhile, dedicated less than half a minute to his answer, broadly stating: “We should significantly increase the child care tax credit. We should significantly increase the availability of women and men, of single parents, to be able to go back to work, and we should encourage businesses to have child care.”

Post ID: 206ee0f5-376c-4ba8-bfe5-68501cabd5d7
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Updated: 5 days ago
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