Israeli soldiers pushed bodies off a rooftop in the occupied West Bank

Israeli soldiers can be seen throwing bodies from a rooftop during a raid in the occupied West Bank city of Qabatiya, videos geolocated by NBC News show.

Israeli soldiers can be seen throwing apparently lifeless bodies from a rooftop during a raid in the occupied West Bank, videos geolocated by NBC News show — an incident the Israeli military said Friday was under review and did not align with its values.

The videos first emerged on social media Thursday and show Israeli soldiers on a rooftop near the town of Qabatiya, west of Jenin, in the north of the West Bank.

In one of the videos, a man in uniform can be seen pushing a body and kicking it several times until it falls off the rooftop and out of view, before all three walk away.

Another video showing more of the incident from a different angle shows three men throwing three bodies from the rooftop, one by one.

NBC News could not verify when the videos were shot. It’s not clear who the dead in the videos were or how they died.

Post ID: 0b46b744-1fbf-48b2-93a9-09e25f6383d3
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Created: 2 weeks ago
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