Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava relinquishes crown days after Miss USA resigns

Miss Teen USA announced she’s stepping down Wednesday, two days after Miss USA said she is resigning and relinquishing her crown.

Miss Teen USA announced she’s stepping down Wednesday, two days after Miss USA said she is resigning and relinquishing her crown.

UmaSofia Srivastava, 17, posted on Instagram: “After careful consideration, I’ve decided to resign as I find that my personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

Srivastava added: “I am grateful for all the support from my family, my state directors, my sister queens, and the fans who have cheered me on since I won my state title. I will always look back on my time as Miss NJ Teen USA fondly, and the experience of representing my state as a first generation, Mexican-Indian American at the national level was fulfilling in itself.”

The resignation comes the same week Noelia Voigt relinquished her crown as Miss USA, citing her mental health.

Last week, the social media director for the Miss USA organization also announced she was resigning. Claudia Michelle said on Instagram she had observed Voigt’s mental health “decline” and observed “disrespect” to Srivastava and her family.


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