Sydney stabbing: Bishop injured at Sydney church in new Australia incident

A bishop was stabbed during a livestreamed service on Monday as Sydney, Australia, was hit by another stabbing incident two days after a man stabbed six people to death in a busy shopping mall before being shot by a police officer.

A bishop was stabbed during a livestreamed service on Monday as Sydney, Australia, was hit by another stabbing incident two days after a man stabbed six people to death in a busy shopping mall before being shot by a police officer.

New South Wales Police Force said in an update on X that it responded to a call from a church in Wakekly, a suburb west of Sydney, at 7.10 p.m. local time (5.39 a.m. ET) Monday, where there were reports that "a number of people were stabbed."

Hundreds of angry people rushed to the scene and some clashed with riot police, with vehicles damaged, the Associated Press reported. The church and local leaders pleaded for calm.

A video shared widely on social media appears to show a priest being stabbed repeatedly, while delivering a sermon, by a man in a black T-shirt who is then tackled by members of the congregation. The church routinely livestreams its services and events.

A subsequent video taken by a church-goer showed people helping the bishop as he lay on the floor.

Post ID: 97adef73-a321-40f5-b232-b2b721e1fd9d
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Created: 2 months ago
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