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In Jerusalem's Old City, war casts a shadow over the start of Ramadan

The sun was shining over the streets of Jerusalem’s Old City this afternoon, but as Ramadan began with no cease-fire in sight, the war in Gaza cast a heavy shadow over the start to the holy month.

JERUSALEM — The sun was shining over the streets of Jerusalem's Old City on Monday as the first full day of Ramadan began — but with no cease-fire in sight, the war in Gaza cast a heavy shadow over the start of the holy month, with fears of tensions rising around the revered Al-Aqsa mosque.

Israeli border police patrolled the streets of the Old City's Muslim quarter — an area that is usually bustling with people and adorned with lights, lanterns and decorations during Ramadan.

On Monday, it was markedly quiet, with no signs of celebration as small groups of worshippers made their way to Al-Aqsa, the third-holiest site in Islam, for noon prayers.

For Muslims around the world, Ramadan is "the most important month for us," shopkeeper Jamil Halwani said. But this year, he said, the usual "joy of Ramadan," a time of fasting, prayer, service, introspection and gathering, was absent.

“We want to decorate,” but "what we see in Gaza — it will not allow us," he said as Ramadan began with no sign of a cease-fire deal that would mean the release of more than 100 hostages held by Hamas and a halt to Israel's offensive in the enclave, during which more than 31,000 people have been killed amid growing fears of a famine.

Post ID: 59d46842-a2f1-407f-81fc-cdca9c31e395
Rating: 5
Created: 2 months ago
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